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Put your trust in Ampliroll. We’re continually developing our line of equipment by integrating the newest vehicle-related advancements as well as logistics and maintenance technologies. Today, Ampliroll is one of the nation’s leading providers of hooklift systems.

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Your resource for hydraulic hooklifts, roll-on/off truck bodies and more, Ampliroll® is the only manufacturer offering a complete line of associated equipment that we can supply as an integrated package with your selection.

Right from the start, you gain the assurance that all items not only work — but also work together — to deliver the performance you’re seeking, load after load after load.

Specify Fassi Cranes, UTEM Aerial Devices and other accessories from leading manufacturers to make your Ampliroll Hooklift-equipped vehicle work even harder.

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Can’t find the truck for your needs?
Century will build one for you!!

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